Sunday, January 27, 2008

#Unrelated but necessary

my computer tells me it's 3:59am but it's wrong. my phone tells me it's 3:49am, it's right.

this blog has nothing to do with my 101 but it has to do with my current state of mind and lack of sleep so I'll make an exception this one time.

I'm so tired but i can't sleep. Apparently I exceeded the daily recommended intake of red bull and that combined with the fact that when I consume alcohol, that keeps me awake as well. It's an extremely unfortunate situation. I've had close to two hours sleep and I'm wide awake.

On the bright side I had an awesome time tonight despite no bins, no preset timetable, the vodka redbull running out, missing my favourite band and the daylight robbery prices paid for drinks. It was fun to hang out and listen to good music and have a giggle.

Ewwww there is a gentle, yet repulsive stench wafting in my direction and I do believe it's the beloved 'Crouchen'. Wine only smells good when it's being consumed, never after.

I hope the sun doesn't come up too soon. I want to attempt another go at sleeping. have to be up in an hour to drop him off to work. Ugh. Sleep the rest of the day? I think so!

1 comment:

brady jay said...

Bahahaha... nice work, dear.