Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A little fashion number

I' ve always been a little kooky in the fashion stakes.

This blog - http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/ continually reconfirms my love the perfect adornement of a beautiful outfit.

A friend has planted a tafe/fashion seed in my head. I have nil sewing skills or any perfectly adequate drawing/sketching skills (where fashion is concerned), i have nothing but a love of perfectly formed silhouettes and a keen eye for op-shop finds.

perhaps this is the thing that i need.

i want to steal this lady's ensemble.


Anonymous said...

Go for it! I'm happy to help with any sewing you'd like to do. :P

Ashleigh said...

in relation to the fashion forward....i went to a knicks game on friday night and guess who was there? none other than chloe sevigny!! i snapped some pics, they're a little blurry given that she was courtside and i.....was not!