Saturday, October 20, 2007

#95 - Buy some red tights

I've had this one in the back of my mind for a while now never sure if I'd actually look good in a pair.

But I was brave and ventured to Myer with Trudy one lazy Sunday afternoon when they had 30% off all hosiery (being the bargain hunter i am) and purchased some red tights (as well as purple). I wore them last night and was pleased even though lau told me I looked a tad british - I was red, white and navy you see.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

#76 Have a housewarming

I just realised that I've crossed a thing off my list without explanation or evidence. Shoeberry was host to a fun and rambunctious housewarming one September Evening. It was eventful and fun for most.

Blogspot wont let me post photos right now, but I promise to adhere to providing evidence that the event took place. Most of the kiddies were there anyway and know I'm not fibbing.

So I tracked down my old photo bucket - apparently it still exists and I may be able to post some photos from there I'm told....

Here goes nothing....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

#84 - Make a pie & #97 Overcome my fear of the oven

Ok, so at the point when i started this list I had never made a pie from scratch. Trudy inspired me when I was at her house once and I saw how easy it truly was. So one night when Ash and Trudy were around I decided to try my hand at it. I made a morroccan lamb and vegetable pie accompanied by some yummy potato bake. Turns out it was a hit, WOOHOO!. I have made a few pies since then. The last one Lau and I worked on together. We made a chicken and vegetable and provincial white wine and cream sauce pie - was a tad runny (next time we may add some corn flour). But it was the yummiest yet.

I also threw #97 in there as well because this truly overcame my fear of the oven - pastry and oven, something I probably never would've attempted about 6 months ago. I have to say I'm a bit proud of the whole thing. Moving out really was a good idea. Who knew.

Apologies for no side servings of photo's, a let down i know but next time I bake a pie or something amazing appears to come from the oven I will post a photo to let you know I wasn't fibbing.

#54 Tea Party

54. Have a tea party for girls only
Well I didn't completely organise (in fact im' pretty sure Lau did pretty much everything) but we did have a tea party in Shoeberry. Cupcakes and proper teapots and everything.. It was much fun and a tart even made chocolate cupcakes - they were grand.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

this is hopefully a lead up to number 80. perhaps we can enjoy it again sometime soon.

so it's begun.

perhap's it's an infectious obsessiveness circulating shoeberry but i've become a blog fiend tonight.

let the (blog) fiends of the night unite.