Monday, November 19, 2007

#71 - Updated

I got a reply and it was fantastic. I smiled and rekindled a friendship.

goooo onnnnnnnnnnn DO IT.

rekinndle something, anything!

As long as it isn't poisonous or self-harming.

Friday, November 16, 2007

#99 - Get A Lamp For Beside My Bed

So I finally found one after much waking up at 4am with my lamp across on the room on and having to crawl out of bed and turn it off.

I found this baby at Crazy Clarks (of all places) and I'm very happy with her. It's cheerful and tacky, and we all know I love that combo.

Plus it's a touch lamp, IT'S AWESOME!!

The other tart loves to come in and 'touch' it, A LOT.

I love lamp.

#78 - Go See VAN SHE

I was a little excited when the Van She show was announced. Poor Ash beared the burden of a screaming Say down the phone yelling inaudible things like "vansheareplayingvansheareplayingatthezoooatthezoooimshoekcited!!!" I've liked them for a little while now and haven't been able to see them live. I'd recruited some groupies by then and Ash being the amazing friend she is said that she would purchase the tickets as I didn't have a credit card and some other fiends had no funds on theirs.

The night finally arrived and I'd had a couple crouchen's so I was a little happy. Upon arrival I realised however that I didn't take out enough funds for the purchase of some merchandise but once again Ash came to the rescue - THANK YOU SO MUCH ASH!! and allowed me to borrow some dollars and I was the new proud owner of a VAN SHE t-shirt.
The gig finally started and I was so ecstatic as they started with Sex City - the sexiest song on the EP of course. It's my fave.

It was a fun night and I'm pretty sure the Zoo is my favourite venue so it was an all round good gig. It was rainy out but hot, steamy and dancey in. We were happy little puppies (or mostly just me).
We even had our photos taken by a fasterlouder photographer - we're famous kids! HA.


#29 - Grow My Dim Record Collection

I recently set off to paddington to see what goodies I could find. The tarts local oppy seems to be Endo's and inside I found a classic 80/90's cusp treat.

'Whispering Jack' by none other than good ol' Johnny Farnham. He was my first concert at age 4 and I loved it (despite falling asleep). I love this album because it reminds me so much of my Mama. We used to sing it together on trips to and from school. Those were the days.

#38 - Bake Something Special for Someone

I've recently started a new job and I decided that for a colleague's birthday I would bake. This was the first time I had tried my handin this skilled arena. I had some small assistance from a regular baking maestro that happens to reside in my house but I must admit I mainly figured it out for myself. It was a messy trip but one that I wont forget too soon.

Sure they weren't as perfectly iced as they could've been but they yummy and much appreciated by the ladies. I must say they did go down nicely followed by a smooth glass of moet.
I must explain the 'marriage' love hearts, as it was Rach's birthday and she was leaving to go and get married. How exciting life can be.

#94 - Buy Some Hot Pink Lipstick

I actually bought two. It was buy one, get the other for one cent at Target!!! It was awesome.

I love it. I have recruited others since, Ms. Florence has purchased some of the pretty pink since.

#93 - Send Miss Carina a letter

I've been meaning to write this lovely lady in forever. I think hand written is a lot nicer when you get the chance. I even wrote it on hilariously tacky, yet cute paper for her.

She left me some love on my facebook page that went a little like this:

Carina B. Velásquez (San Francisco, CA) wroteat 3:41pm on November 2nd, 2007

my lovely, sweet sarah-jayne. i got your wonderful letter. it made my day! but you forgot to enclose your return address. please send it to me so i can write you back.
xo lovelles you!

ps-the tea was fantastic! what was it? and what was the entire quote? i believe i lost a part or something.

She has since written me back and it made my day also. If you get a chance - perhaps write a long lost friend a letter? Or even someone you see everyday. It can be more powerful than you think.

#91 - Get Medicare Sorted

So I finally went and got a ticket and lined up at the medicare office and sorted out my card details. It should be on its way soon, within a month or so.

Waiting in the medicare office was all that I had ever dreamed of.

#90 - Get a Credit Card

I ordered, I was approved online, they rang my work, they verified my details, officially approved me. I had my shiny red card within a week or so. How scarily easy the ability to (over) borrow money is.

I only truly acquired it because I want to buy stuff online - mainly TICKETS! Hopefully I wont now be in debt for the rest of my life.

#69 - Cut down on Coke

I am very pleased to report that the Shoeberry household (being Laura and I) have not bought one of those econo-carton packs of coke in forever (mostly because it's been a bit too pricey but that's not the point). I am drinking a lot less of the stuff that's for sure.

Now just to cut it out completely..... hmmm. Nah, don't think that's necessary.

#71 - Email Vanessa

I'm so happy I've fulfilled this one.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the lovely Vanessa - she is an ex-teacher's partner who came to help out one semester for one of our classes and I simply adore her. She is an artist in the true sense.

It's really nice when you finally do something that you know will make a difference to someone's day (and I assume this because it's been so long between communications - not because I'm someone super famous or amazing or something). I await her response.

Oh I found a picture of her as well. Doing her thing.