Friday, November 16, 2007

#38 - Bake Something Special for Someone

I've recently started a new job and I decided that for a colleague's birthday I would bake. This was the first time I had tried my handin this skilled arena. I had some small assistance from a regular baking maestro that happens to reside in my house but I must admit I mainly figured it out for myself. It was a messy trip but one that I wont forget too soon.

Sure they weren't as perfectly iced as they could've been but they yummy and much appreciated by the ladies. I must say they did go down nicely followed by a smooth glass of moet.
I must explain the 'marriage' love hearts, as it was Rach's birthday and she was leaving to go and get married. How exciting life can be.


kit and nancy. said...

i wonder if they tasted any good. i will never know, was never offered one!!!

Ashleigh said...

this is a bit cute.
will u bake farewell cupcakes for me?