Saturday, October 20, 2007

#84 - Make a pie & #97 Overcome my fear of the oven

Ok, so at the point when i started this list I had never made a pie from scratch. Trudy inspired me when I was at her house once and I saw how easy it truly was. So one night when Ash and Trudy were around I decided to try my hand at it. I made a morroccan lamb and vegetable pie accompanied by some yummy potato bake. Turns out it was a hit, WOOHOO!. I have made a few pies since then. The last one Lau and I worked on together. We made a chicken and vegetable and provincial white wine and cream sauce pie - was a tad runny (next time we may add some corn flour). But it was the yummiest yet.

I also threw #97 in there as well because this truly overcame my fear of the oven - pastry and oven, something I probably never would've attempted about 6 months ago. I have to say I'm a bit proud of the whole thing. Moving out really was a good idea. Who knew.

Apologies for no side servings of photo's, a let down i know but next time I bake a pie or something amazing appears to come from the oven I will post a photo to let you know I wasn't fibbing.


matt said...

The Moroccan lamb and vegetable pie sounds delish! And potato bake must be one of my favourite foods available!

I still have a morbid fear of the oven, though.

Ashleigh said...

oh yeah that pie and potato bake was awesome!! very well accomplished X

kit and nancy. said...

yay for runny pies!